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Some Interesting Facts about Studying in Australia

A Singaporean student planning to study in Australia may think that Australia is not so different from Singapore that it will be easy to go and study there. Undoubtedly, the land down under won’t be as challenging as studying abroad in an English speaking and developing country, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. And if you don’t prepare well, you may find yourself facing some harsh surprises once you are there.

Let's find out some interesting facts about Australia!

Studying dilemmas

Coming from a different culture can be challenging when you travel across the globe to earn a degree. Your previous education may have been narrower, broader, or you might need to adjust to the different mix of theoretical and practical classes. As a result of which, some students can find it hard to keep up.

Australia has a culture of exchanging study guides and study notes to help new students adjust. It is easily done online, where you will be able to swap your notes for someone else’s free of charge, and study for a difficult exam with the help of previous students who have mastered the subject matter.

Financial support

Like some of the top-ranked universities in the US and the UK, overseas education in Australia may seem costly. Not to mention other expenses such as food, housing and healthcare can also be high because of country’s very high living standards. But, if you’re eligible for any financial aid, you can lower these costs.

You can consider applying for a loan, financial aid or an international scholarship designed specifically for international students. Your financial ability is vital for obtaining a student visa, and it will also mean that you can have a great time in Australia.

Keep your health in check

While Australians are entitled to their local medical care, every overseas student needs to make sure that they have a health package called OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover), which is a must for your visa.

It’s designed to help you with the potential expenses in case you fall ill or have any health issues during your stay. Make sure that you pick the package that’s right for you, and as soon as you choose your accommodation, find out nearby hospitals and emergency centres.

So, these are only three among many interesting facts that you keep in mind before studying in Australia. If you want to get more information about an Australian or New Zealand university, visa process, scholarships or anything else, you can reach out an AECC Global education expert.

AECC Global experts have a vast experience in serving students planning to study abroad.

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